Wednesday, 4. June 2008
daily... tune.
The Truth is unspoken, a promise is broken I’m under surveillance, they know what my name is I need some protection, some love and affection There’s 1000 reasons, but one is the number Welcome to my spaceship Save bottles of water and flour and sugar Welcome to my spaceship Perfectly molded almost unfolded Psycho acoustics Welcome to my spaceship Welcome to my spaceship
Online for 8121 days
Last modified: 5/27/14, 2:06 AM Status
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nana revisited. Nach langem Hin
und Her hab ich mich endlich durchgerungen und mir wieder...
robocco, 1/4/11, 2:45 PM
casual wednesday. Der 'casual friday'
ist out - drum wurde kurzerhand der casual wednesday eingeführt,...
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